Here’s what you need to know about Spiritual Hunger:
We all have it. And we all work to satiate it in different ways..
Once I learned this I stopped judging people for HOW they chose to satiate it. We have all turned to different things to satisfy us. For me it was relationships, men, avoidance.. and so much more.
Shaming ourselves doesn’t help anything..
But what I found is that God wanted to restore me back to wholeness in and with him – allowing his love and his truths to permeate my heart and soul so that there was less to no drive to chase and prove myself and abandon who I really was and what I really needed and wanted in order to get a quick fix.. like eating McDonalds.
And what I found is zero shaming and criticism for the way I was trying to feel better, to heal, to cope..
And just one big set of open arms, ready to coat my inner world with his goodness and love for me.
My love, you dont need to go through this world alone, lost, existing, coping in any area, ever again.
He’s waiting to be received by you so he can restore you to the wholeness you were born for ✨
For when it’s YOUR time:

LS x