Feel Distant From God? Here’s why:

This is important work. The most important work. Because in view of this, your whole world is realigned, your life is reimagined..

Limitations that you were experiencing because of perfectionism, people pleasing and pretzelling yourself begin to fade away to make space for possibility and potential.

You stop abandoning yourself because you understand it’s not a requirement to receive his abundant love for you.

Where there is guilt, anxiety and shame they are replaced by connection, safety and peace.

Where there is distance, intimacy is restored – a closeness with your Heavenly Father – a safe place you can run, you can hide, you experience him as your sanctuary; your “dwelling place”.. no matter what is rumbling around in your world.

Where there is proving energy and inadequacy, there is wholeness and completeness in love.

No longer are you weighed down by exhaustion from trying to work it all out, have all the answers, or working hard just to reach that end goal.. always chasing the carrot dangling in front of you..

Suddenly you KNOW that In Him, you are enough. You are His. And from this foundation of wholeness and fulfilment, you can co-create incredible impact with Him.

That distance you feel? He is right there next to you waiting for you to reach out and take his hand and let him lead you into your amazing next 🤍✨

LS x

Projection – The Silent Relationship Killer

Projection is a killer of relationships 💀

The problem is, most times we aren’t self aware enough to actually catch ourselves doing it..

All we know is that we feel hurt, angry, frustrated, triggered, abandoned in that relationship.

And that we are behaving in ways that aren’t who we really are.. performing, pretzeling ourselves, proving ourselves..

We are often then internally critical of that behaviour (hello loud inner critic)

And can quickly feel depleted of our normally strong and vibrant life force energy, leaving us feeling drained and slowing our impact down significantly.

I bring you good news!

I know none of this is WHO YOU ARE

And so what we need to do is help you to SEE CLEARLY what is and isn’t the real you..

Untangle from the distorted teachings that have painted God differently than who he is

Decondition from past experiences that shape our view of God himself and his unchanging character of goodness and love towards you..

Unhook your father wounds from your view of God

So that you stop projecting and start SEEING CLEARLY who he is, how much he loves you and wants to be close to you too.

You don’t have to live life feeling like God is distant

You get to live life feeling SAFE, protected, loved and seen in your magic, your soul fulfilled

And from this place of fullness and wholeness go out into the world to confidently co-create magic and impact with Him.

This is The Divine Reset. ✨

LS x

Prayer or Manifestation?

Controversial question: Prayer or Manifestation? 👇

Before you read my below comment, you need to know this about me.

I don’t and won’t give you the “answers”..

Because it’s NOT ABOUT ME.

This is about your journey, your path, your wrestle..

This doesn’t mean that I don’t have my own opinions

But it does mean that there is no judgement, no shame in the wrestle

And it means that I hold space for you.

Because we need safe spaces to wrestle out spiritual concepts and clarify our view of who God is.. His identity, because in doing so it clarifies our own.

Do I provide guidance, mostly in the form of questions – absolutely? You’ll see a perfect example of this below.

In all things, I want to help you to SEE more clearly.. through the biases, lenses, distortions and conditioning..

Because when you can see more clearly you are infinitely more powerful, focused, impactful.. FREE.

During COVID I remember working with a client and she was discussing her decision around the you-know-what. Her journey was not about my stance.. I facilitated the wrestle and she made her decision.. and that was it. No judgement, just space held.

My job is to be there to facilitate and guide your wrestle – to authenticity, to truth, to awareness and CLARITY of what’s really truly rumbling around in your heart so you can be closer to yourself, closer to God and infinitely more impactful from His rest and peace.

LS x


“Controversial question: Prayer or Manifestation? What’s your opinion on how these play together?” 👇

What I have found is that there is sometimes a deeper unspoken question underneath questions and contrasts like these..

For example –

“Can we commune with God while working towards the things that we desire?”

“Can I have both connection to God + the things that I desire?”

Just imagine a little girl whose dad is distant/absent (either physically or emotionally), and he sends her gifts and that is how she learned to receive love..

She receives the gifts but she doesn’t receive the emotional closeness. So she perceives that these two things aren’t possible for her to have together. It becomes an either/or situation. It might not feel safe for her to have both.

Some other things that spring to mind in the same vein –

So often prayer to God can bring up the idea that I am powerless and he has all the power. So deeper questions are – can I pray without being/feeling powerless? Does God require me to be powerless and in waiting energy to commune with him? (No)

What is it that truly satisfies the human soul? For animals go after what they desire, and we are infinitely more valuable and powerful than they.. 🤍

Credit: amazing thread by Fabi Paolini-Benavides

Mindset vs Inner Work

Strategy + mindset = good

Strategy + inner work = extraordinary

You can only get so far with positive thinking and reframes. These are great, but the true trajectory shifts after you’ve reached “good” that get you to “extraordinary” go much deeper than that..

Because it’s not about just changing the way you *think* about something. It’s about changing the way you *be* around that something.

Energetically this is embodiment.. not about constantly working hard to shift. Big difference. Huge. Less energy expenditure, more focus, less wobbles.

In my world we do this through a process called Subconscious Sovereignty™ in which we isolate the real issue instead of glossing over it with positivity or working harder, we uncover and address the root cause of the real issue.. with God.

And you walk away feeling more empowered, liberated and centred.

Being a highly fulfilled, grounded and unshakeable leader comes from addressing the vulnerabilities that exist in us that give us the wobbles sometimes, it comes from knowing our identity and being completely solid in it (daughter of the king vibes), and it comes from making God your HOME.. your safe place.. the unshakeable rock that never changes – even though everything in our world may do.

Those who have learned to swim in their own depths aren’t rocked when others are.

Maybe it’s time to upgrade your inner world to align with the power God has given you🔥

LS x

Spiritual Hunger

Here’s what you need to know about Spiritual Hunger:

We all have it. And we all work to satiate it in different ways..

Once I learned this I stopped judging people for HOW they chose to satiate it. We have all turned to different things to satisfy us. For me it was relationships, men, avoidance.. and so much more.

Shaming ourselves doesn’t help anything..

But what I found is that God wanted to restore me back to wholeness in and with him – allowing his love and his truths to permeate my heart and soul so that there was less to no drive to chase and prove myself and abandon who I really was and what I really needed and wanted in order to get a quick fix.. like eating McDonalds.

And what I found is zero shaming and criticism for the way I was trying to feel better, to heal, to cope..

And just one big set of open arms, ready to coat my inner world with his goodness and love for me.

My love, you dont need to go through this world alone, lost, existing, coping in any area, ever again.

He’s waiting to be received by you so he can restore you to the wholeness you were born for ✨

LS x

God = Shame & Perfectionism?

When we are taught God through the lens of shame and perfectionism; we often find ourselves proving ourselves; hiding who we really are, doubling down on working hard to always perform, achieve and reach the mark.

When we finally know God as Abba “Papa”, we can run to him, even in our mistakes and imperfections.. and still find sanctuary, rest, wholeness, restoration and home.

Perhaps it’s time to decondition from distorted religious teachings and upgrade your view of God so you can see and experience him for who He is. ✨🤍

LS x

How can you own your value when you feel fundamentally unworthy?

There were two big places in my life that toxic teachings around me being fundamentally unworthy and inherently not good really showed up and made me begin to question what I had been taught:

1. My romantic relationship/s: how can I equally say I’m “worthy of love” AND believe I’m fundamentally unworthy?

2. In business when it came to owning my value and charging appropriately: how can I equally own my value AND believe I’m a piece of trash God can’t even love or look at without his Jesus glasses?!

So it became a big focus for me, an internal wrestle that I took with God and away from the unhealthy environments to uncover HIS truth.. not somebody else’s biased perspective.

And I discovered so much; about my humanity, about the way the world is, about what sin is, and about my actual worth in the sight of God..

But it wasn’t enough to have different head knowledge… it had to sink DEEPER into my spirit to actually begin making a difference

Because these teachings and experiences I had absorbed that created this core belief were already subconscious programs rattling around in me..

.. which meant that despite TRYING HARDER to operate as a person who believed I had immeasurable worth didnt work (like an elastic band around my waist, always pinging me back to unworthiness)

.. which meant just BELIEVING MORE in myself and my value didn’t work (because I was trying to convince myself of something I didn’t actually believe)

.. which meant I was making decisions, on autopilot, around this unworthiness.

And maybe you can relate to this same frustration?

What you need is the ability to shift how you see yourself at a subconscious level..

To untangle from the parts of you that were developed in response to unhealthy teachings on self

To love on those parts of you and honour them

And to lead them into the truth of who you are, who God created you to be..

So you can start seeing yourself in a completely different light which leads to moving in life and biz from WHOLENESS

Which means you no longer need patterns of proving, perfection and people pleasing – you no longer feel you have to FIGHT for what is already yours.

This is The Divine Reset ✨

God’s perfect love transformed me more than shame ever could

God’s perfect love transformed me more than shame ever could 🥹🤍

For decades I was in unhealthy religious and familial environments filled with shame, fear, obligation, guilt, judgement and perfectionism. It was soul-destroying for my self esteem and worth.

I worked SO HARD to change every inch of myself to be more pleasing, to conform, to be the perfect [wife, daughter, good Christian girl..] and when I failed over and over again, my shame hole just kept getting bigger..

Then Jesus came along and I first-hand experienced His love enveloping me.. covering and eradicating that shame so I could hold my head up. So I could feel whole and valuable..

And it was hyper-transformative. Because not only was the shame removed, the change from a place of wholeness was so powerful, it overtook any of the “work” I could’ve done on myself.

It’s understandable to live through environments like that and expect these exact same treatment from God himself..

But it’s not living in alignment with truth; it’s living in alignment with trauma.

When we expect Jesus to shame us, but instead we experience Jesus sitting beside us and loving us.. it’s impossible to see Him, ourselves and our lives the same..

Exploding the past limits of our potential, we now see ourselves clearly and relate to both God and self in health, wholeness and value.

This is true spiritual awakening! Bursting through spiritual mediocrity to embrace the abundance of spiritual wealth, potential and impact God designed you for.

Don’t let your limited, distorted view of God due to past experiences block you from the fulfilment, wholeness and explosive impact and potential you were born for.

LS x 

3 things I wish I knew sooner about having a close relationship with God after religious abuse:

3 things I wish I knew sooner about having a close relationship with God after experiencing alot of religious garbeigeeee:

ONE: Just how much my complex faith history in toxic religious Christianity had impacted my view of God. All of me didn’t feel SAFE with God because of the level of trauma (religious abuse, domestic violence, divorce, smear campaigns, disease) and distorted religious teachings I had encountered.

TWO: My toxic relationship with my earthly Dad overshadowed my relationship with God and blinded me to His true nature, identity, character. Because your EXPERIENCE with the masculine will always overtake REALITY when there’s trauma involved. While we are in projection/protection mode, we literally create our own blind spots.

THREE: How my Attachment Style applied to my relationship with God too, which became a major healing ground and mirror for my other relationships. As one improved; they all have – especially my relationships with men. And I have guided clients to the same with extraordinary impacts on their marriages!

BONUS FOUR: that it was actually POSSIBLE to have:

1. A close relationship with God that actually nourished my life and soul

2. That I could have a healthy relationship with God without being CONTROLLED by Him/people who claimed to represent him

3. That I could have a healthy relationship with him WITHOUT losing myself completely.

This is just the pinky toe fingernail tip of the iceberg that is resetting your faith to finally have the kind of connection your soul craves.

If you are in a place where you have uncertainty in or around your faith; feeling distant, disconnected, disillusioned, disappointed or even spiritually dry and burnt-out..

And you desire that safe, connected and even soul-nourishing relationship with God without being controlled, stifled or losing yourself again..

You know you don’t want to be here, feeling this way in a year’s time, or even 3 months’ time..

You invest in yourself to up-level your business, your health..

And maybe you feel you’re in a place where you “should” be happy but feel this tugging at your heart..

This – your connection with the one who breathed life into you and delights in you, the connection you were made for – UNDERPINS IT ALL.

But you feel so TORN because of your complex faith history and you think “Where do I even start!?”..

This. This is where you start:

The Divine Reset membership.

Details here: https://bit.ly/3M8oFA9

Let’s begin clearing away the debris of the past, making sense of it so you can get the CLARITY you need to move forward into a more peaceful and connected life.

LS x

Religious Mindsets Are Not Limited To Religious Environments (How To Prevent Burnout)

Religious mindsets are not limited to religious environments (and why you must understand this to prevent burnout and avoid losing yourself.. again). 

Having walked alongside many hyper-achieving leaders in business for 14+ years of all kinds of beliefs and backgrounds, I have seen these exact unhealthy mindsets played out in many spheres – including coaching, high-ticket and spirituality.

When we have absorbed the idea that there’s something fundamentally wrong with us that can come from unhealthy religious and familial foundations; that we need fixing, that we have to either work super hard to be perfect, or to perform our way into God’s good books..

We end up being attracted to environments where these exact same perfection and performance-based principles apply.

This MIRRORS BACK your already absorbed internal and subconscious belief systems..

And can leave you feeling even more inadequate or like you need to double-down and work even harder to prove yourself, to overcome all your flaws, like you need to work harder to ascend and fix all your limitations, like I can’t rest because I constantly have to be working, I have to purify before I can experience [joy, peace, love..].. 

There is limited grace
There is limited peace
There is limited self compassion 
There is limited supernatural support
And it’s all on ME, in my imperfections, or I will never reach x-goal. 

Always chasing
Always proving 
Always “almost” there 

And it sincerely ends up burning you out to think and function this way.

Wondering why as a high achiever, you’re feeling UNUSUALLY unmotivated

Almost always a feeling that is coupled with feeling like I can’t rest or relax because I’m “lazy”, which means you’re not giving yourself what you need to thrive and have hyper-impact 

A feeling of anxiousness sitting on your chest that brings with it shallow breathing that’s hard to pin point where it came from..

And an Inner Critic screaming the house down for not fixing yourself fast enough (aka being hard on yourself).

If this all sounds familiar I bring you GOOD NEWS 

Because none of this is WHO YOU ARE 

None of this is what God himself desires for you 

You were not born with this 

And none of this means you’re broken and fundamentally flawed…

But it does mean you have absorbed a Religious Mindset that transcends even leaving unhealthy religious environments.

And it does mean that you need to not only DECONDITION from slavery to the toxic mindset that says I need to earn my worth, God’s love, God’s favour and grace (some would call this a Spirit of Religion); and ANCHOR into a brand new IDENTITY as CHILD OF GOD through Jesus..

Living out this identity means we not only prevent burnout (because as a Child of God I access His supernatural support, rest, peace, grace..)

And that I’m no longer magnetised to environments with similar mindsets that leave me abandoning myself by proving, pretzeling myself..  

But I am also anchored in a deeper sense of fulfilment, wholeness, connection to God, and life to the full, with God – 


And I believe this Spiritual Wealth is our birthright that darkness/the enemy tries to convince us that we are too broken to access, that God has abandoned us.. or a plethora of other lies that are seeping through the access-points of previous hurt and traumas.

The majority of high achievers I’ve worked with over the last 14+ years have ALOT of life force energy to build, to create, to transform this world with positive change

But their energy is spent on the wrong things – on the proving, on the performing, on the super hard work rather than investing it into a beautiful soul-nourishing relationship with God himself that FREES us from everything that tries to distract, distance or create dependency and fear.. and then building incredible MEANINGFUL impact with aligned goals and business.

When we untangle from a complex faith history, distorted teachings and Religious Mindset and anchor into our true identity; we are liberated into live out our highest potential and impact as a highly fulfilled, grounded and unshakeable leader.

This is The Divine Reset

Click here to explore The Divine Reset – a revolution of high-achieving women reclaiming their Spiritual Wealth & becoming highly-fulfilled, grounded and unshakeable women living in purpose now.

Purpose over performance.

Leah x