Religious mindsets are not limited to religious environments (and why you must understand this to prevent burnout and avoid losing yourself.. again).
Having walked alongside many hyper-achieving leaders in business for 14+ years of all kinds of beliefs and backgrounds, I have seen these exact unhealthy mindsets played out in many spheres – including coaching, high-ticket and spirituality.
When we have absorbed the idea that there’s something fundamentally wrong with us that can come from unhealthy religious and familial foundations; that we need fixing, that we have to either work super hard to be perfect, or to perform our way into God’s good books..
We end up being attracted to environments where these exact same perfection and performance-based principles apply.
This MIRRORS BACK your already absorbed internal and subconscious belief systems..
And can leave you feeling even more inadequate or like you need to double-down and work even harder to prove yourself, to overcome all your flaws, like you need to work harder to ascend and fix all your limitations, like I can’t rest because I constantly have to be working, I have to purify before I can experience [joy, peace, love..]..
There is limited grace
There is limited peace
There is limited self compassion
There is limited supernatural support
And it’s all on ME, in my imperfections, or I will never reach x-goal.
Always chasing
Always proving
Always “almost” there
And it sincerely ends up burning you out to think and function this way.
Wondering why as a high achiever, you’re feeling UNUSUALLY unmotivated
Almost always a feeling that is coupled with feeling like I can’t rest or relax because I’m “lazy”, which means you’re not giving yourself what you need to thrive and have hyper-impact
A feeling of anxiousness sitting on your chest that brings with it shallow breathing that’s hard to pin point where it came from..
And an Inner Critic screaming the house down for not fixing yourself fast enough (aka being hard on yourself).
If this all sounds familiar I bring you GOOD NEWS
Because none of this is WHO YOU ARE
None of this is what God himself desires for you
You were not born with this
And none of this means you’re broken and fundamentally flawed…
But it does mean you have absorbed a Religious Mindset that transcends even leaving unhealthy religious environments.
And it does mean that you need to not only DECONDITION from slavery to the toxic mindset that says I need to earn my worth, God’s love, God’s favour and grace (some would call this a Spirit of Religion); and ANCHOR into a brand new IDENTITY as CHILD OF GOD through Jesus..
Living out this identity means we not only prevent burnout (because as a Child of God I access His supernatural support, rest, peace, grace..)
And that I’m no longer magnetised to environments with similar mindsets that leave me abandoning myself by proving, pretzeling myself..
But I am also anchored in a deeper sense of fulfilment, wholeness, connection to God, and life to the full, with God –
And I believe this Spiritual Wealth is our birthright that darkness/the enemy tries to convince us that we are too broken to access, that God has abandoned us.. or a plethora of other lies that are seeping through the access-points of previous hurt and traumas.
The majority of high achievers I’ve worked with over the last 14+ years have ALOT of life force energy to build, to create, to transform this world with positive change
But their energy is spent on the wrong things – on the proving, on the performing, on the super hard work rather than investing it into a beautiful soul-nourishing relationship with God himself that FREES us from everything that tries to distract, distance or create dependency and fear.. and then building incredible MEANINGFUL impact with aligned goals and business.
When we untangle from a complex faith history, distorted teachings and Religious Mindset and anchor into our true identity; we are liberated into live out our highest potential and impact as a highly fulfilled, grounded and unshakeable leader.
This is The Divine Reset.
Click here to explore The Divine Reset – a revolution of high-achieving women reclaiming their Spiritual Wealth & becoming highly-fulfilled, grounded and unshakeable women living in purpose now.
Purpose over performance.
Leah x