2025: A Restoration Kind Of Year

2024 was the year this unlikely prophesy started to come true for me..

I heard it in a podcast episode I was randomly listening to in 2020.

It was strange because it instantly hit as a prophetic message directly for ME as if he were speaking to me 1:1 🤯

It was also strange because I had not received a “prophetic message” before (that I can recall, anyway!) but my spirit instantly knew what it was and that it was for me

And it was from someone (not going to say who so your ego doesn’t click into judgement instead of leaning in to curiosity) that I would NEVER have usually been listening to. (And funnily haven’t listened to since)

Here’s the message:

“Get ready for the people who once hated you to want what you have. There is a reason you couldn’t win them. There is a reason nothing you did could please them. There is a reason they couldn’t accept you.

God meant for you to be alone and lonely and walk by yourself because he never meant for you to become them, he meant for them to become you.

You have finally reached the season that those who once fought you are now going to seek you.

And you’ve got to be healed enough, and feel safe enough to let people in that you’ve been scared of…

.. Because God is going to use you to minister to people who maligned you and you’ve got to know who you are well enough to be ready to receive them.”

Last year, people came back into my world from my past, seeking me out

And it was only through the incredible spiritual GUIDANCE of Jesus in this healing work that I could actually HOLD it and not be triggered to high heaven by it.

This alone is incredible grace. 😭

Because I have experienced three heavy smear campaigns when I wouldn’t bow to toxicity and the fear of man – one familial, one at the ending of my toxic marriage, and one in a Christian church.. and when everything in me screamed to fight back and get revenge..

I got close to God instead.

I trusted him with my reputation

I handed him my broken pieces

I allowed God to do the work on me

And I trusted him to make something beautiful out of them, even if I could not see the HOW.

There is an EASE to this that I wouldn’t have if I had tried to manufacture it alone. This ease comes from a supernatural parting of the sea. It comes from one of prayer and surrendering the pieces. It comes from facing off with the pain, the past and the dark corners of my internal world.

It wasn’t that I clung to this WANTING it to come true. I definitely didn’t want to interact with the majority of the people from my past.

It was just a deep knowing in my spirit that it was going to.

And in the same way I knew that, I know this prophesy is going to play out in a huge way in 2025 and I can’t wait to see the radical work God is going to do through this work + this movement!

Breaking generational chains + liberating entire lineage

Women embracing their immeasurable worth & significance

You reclaiming your birthright of Spiritual Wealth & Spiritual Empowerment

And living in your highest purpose and potential

I want to be clear: we are in for a wild ride + little of what you are about to witness this year is because I am good (though I am magical and amazing and totally own it) but simply because HE is.

This is a restoration kinda year..

And I’m here for it. 🔥

LS x

I Don’t Pray You Get To Go To Heaven, Or Avoid Hell.

I don’t pray you get to go to heaven, or avoid hell.

Here’s what I do pray:

I pray Jesus reveals Himself to you fully.

I pray that your eyes will open to see Him for who He is, not who you were taught He is, or who you desire Him to be, so you can experience the freedom of knowing Him authentically, as He truly is and live life to the full with Him. 

I pray that your whole being feels and knows just how GOOD He is, so that you deeply KNOW and FEEL and TRUST Him with the deepest parts of your soul.

I pray that you can absorb just how much He loves you so you never again feel the need to strive, prove, or chase after love—it has always been yours, in abundance, without condition.

I pray that because of this revelation, you will choose a life with Him because His presence has become your everything and your purpose is rooted in His truth.

I pray that your entire being feels the full weight of your worth to Him, and you finally see yourself through His eyes—radiant, chosen, and invaluable; walking confidently in the uniqueness of who He created you to be.

I pray you know and feel just how significant you are, so that you no longer shrink, hide, or silence yourself, but instead stand tall in the uniqueness He designed in you.

I pray that you know how much He delights in you! And seeing yourself as he sees you so you embrace yourself fully, imperfections and all, knowing that you are His joy and masterpiece.

I pray that you know how SAFE and beautiful surrender is to Him so you feel safe to let go of control, step into the unknown, and trust that His plans for you are infinitely better than your own.

I pray you receive a revelation that He truly is all you need, so that in knowing Him, listening to Him, being with Him, you are set free from anything or anyone that desires to have power over you.

And I pray your soul finds perfect peace and rest in His embrace. A peace so incredible that you cannot imagine ever living a day of this life or the next without His presence. 

LS x

I Don’t Know Everything About God..

Someone recently commented on one of my posts saying that nobody can be an expert on God. And here’s the thing –

I don’t know everything about God..

But this fact will never silence me from what I DO know:

I have walked closely with Jesus for over 12 years, learning from Him, and experiencing profound transformation—

  • spiritual growth that has transformed my heart from pride, being judgemental and ego (and is still being transformed!)
  • trauma healing from cPTSD and crippling anxiety including panic attacks
  • coming home to my authentic self and my voice
  • uncovering my immeasurable self-worth that transcends the need for external validation (or for you to agree with me!)
  • freedom from the confines of religious Christianity and toxic teachings
  • supernatural peace
  • mind-blowing freedom I never thought was possible
  • grounded faith that I can stand firm in – that weathers every storm over the last 12 years

What I share comes from living these truths firsthand, from my hard-earned lessons, insights, mistakes and imperfections and my role is to guide those who are open to experiencing the same.

This space is NOT a discussion group or a zone for debate or sharing your varying perspectives.

I KNOW full well that what I share is not in alignment with two major camps: religious Christianity + most spirituality.

I KNOW there are those who will disagree.. but it’s not my calling to guide those who are anchored in their disagreement.

This is a space where I share from what I’ve lived and what I’ve learned, to help others step into freedom and alignment with God.

This is why my podcast is called Spiritually Unboxed. I sit with Jesus, out of the box and in the middle.

I hope this brings clarity if and where it is needed.

LS x

Confession: I’m Still Deconstructing My Faith.

I’m still “deconstructing” my faith & will until the day I die.
The difference is, I do it WITH God, rather than apart from Him.

Yes this was a painful experience first because I had been through a lot of religious trauma.

But when we go through religious trauma, acknowledge it as religious trauma (so many don’t) then we can face it and heal it appropriately.

Once you know that God is FOR you not against you, everything changes

This mindset has brought me into so much overflow; peace in my spiritual walk and actually just enjoying the process rather than constantly feeling like I’m fighting against.

And evolution of me

You can have an HONEST faith, that ISN’T triggering and dredging up bad feelings related to your past religious experiences

You can have a SIMPLE relationship with God where you sit down and converse with him

.. and you can even have a POSITIVE relationship with Scripture that allows God to gently reveal himself to you – without being bible bashed

WHILE You’re deconstructing your faith
WHILE you’re reconnecting with yourself
WHILE you’re owning who you are, your voice and your authenticity

In my world, we expand our capacity to HOLD IT ALL, without judgement.

Join my next free workshop to begin untangling from your toxic religious past here.

LS x

After Meeting Jesus & Leaving Religious Christianity, I NEVER Try To Be A “Good Person” Anymore.

When my focus was on being a “good Christian” or a “good person”, my focus was on trying to be something outside of me. An ideal. I’m still trying to fit a mould.

I’m still in perfectionism, pushing, forcing proving energy..

Which is STILL self-abandonment.

And when we are in Self-Abandonment Mode, we cannot just be. There’s always a measure, a standard.

And it’s never enough

Meaning that INSTEAD OF shining bright, being fully and unapologetically yourself, owning and using your voice, being anchored in your worth, uniqueness and just who you are and loving God and being in his presence..

You’re focused on trying to be something. Its a lot of energy and effort we weren’t born to expend

So in order to just be my full, sparkly self..

Who is imperfect

And does her best

just sit with Jesus. I have conversations with him.

And I let him change me.

I dont try to be this or that.

I surrender and allow his goodness, love and grace to wash over me and be a salve to the parts of me that need to transform.

So instead of burning myself out, making myself anxious in performance and self abandonment, I get to pause and be refilled and restored by the ultimate restorer: the God of the universe who made me and loves me immeasurably.

I get to be my authentic, amazing, fun, sparkly, imperfect self who is evolving and growing and changing

I just get to BE.

This also leaves no space for my ego to sit in pride above others. It’s a beautiful, humble, vulnerable place to be.

 (a radically different Leah than the one who used to sit in religious judgment over everyone..)

… And can I just say – it is SO LIBERATING!

Trying to be a “good person” after you’ve left your religious background, is just the same religious thinking without Christianity tied to it. You are still not free. This is still the thing causing anxiety and burnout. This is still the loud inner critic rumbling around in the background.

You don’t have to live this way – the FIRST thing we will do when we work together is to untangle all of your conditioning so you can BREATHE DEEPLY again without the pressure sitting on your chest.

By the way, if you want to be more of your AUTHENTIC & undimmable self in your life, business and/or faith instead of trying to be a something that you’re not..

Grab your seat to my free workshop coming soon where I show you the exact shifts I had to make to go from “Good Christian Girl” to unapologetically me.

LS x

PS. “Good person” or “good Christian” by whose standards? By which person, church, denomination? Because we all don’t agree. This is why I only care to sit with God.

I don’t even care for my own standards of “Good Person”, I’ve learned I carry enough conditioning and bias for even that to not be good enough

God Didn’t Design You To Be A ‘Good Christian Girl’.

God never desired you to be a facade, a shell of yourself, or a Good Christian Girl who could only comply, dim herself and her voice down and fit the mould of who “they” desired her to be.

For the female entrepreneur; this facet of religious upbringing – the Good Christian Girl facade that you may have been unintentionally conditioned to be – is religious trauma.

🐚 This is probably why you feel burnt out

🐚 Why being your authentic self in your life and business feels “wrong”

🐚 Why you dim your sparkle down when you know you are born to shine bright

🐚 Why you silence your voice sometimes (and kick yourself later for it)

🐚 And why it may feel hard to be honest with God, having an honest faith without the perfectionism and trying to keep a mask in place.

I am not going to minimise it, because it’s incredibly toxic.

But if you are a high-achieving action-taking business-owner type, you need to reclaim your FOCUS..

.. we need to decondition and rewire this so that you are no longer impacted by something in the past

  • so you no longer burn yourself out trying to be a Good Christian Girl (subconsciously) – being nice to everyone
  • so you no longer make misaligned decisions
  • so you no longer feel boxed-in to a certain niche / offer / message
  • so you no longer pretzel yourself to fit the approval and expectations of others
  • so you are focused, lit up and in your own lane loving life!
  • so you are FREE TO BE YOU, with God.

You are not far away from your authentic self. She is already within you! She is already slamming on the brakes and trying to spin you in a new direction..

The real question is – are you finally ready to get her the CLARITY and internal shifts she needs to have her mind blown and feel LIT UP again?!

The deep is calling you! Let’s gooooo 🧜🏽‍♀️🐚

LS x

A Must-Read If You Learned God Through The Lens Of Wounded Men.

When we have grown up learning God through the lens of wounded men, we have to be careful that we don’t relearn God through the lens of wounded women.

The lens of wounded women is the most attractive lens to us after we have had our spiritual awakening/faith crisis.

It’s the one most relatable.

And the one most poisonous.

Because while she sells freedom, yet she simply traps us into another paradigm – one where we block our own freedom, restoration and soul-nourishing connection to God.

And where we continue to pass on our own wounds.

This Is The Kind Of Community That Christian & Former Christian Women Need To Be More Authentic

Often for decades, former ‘Good Christian Girls’ have been surrounded by women absorbing the same conditioning and teachings as them:

  • that their needs and desire don’t matter
  • that their value is in constantly serving others
  • that they need to receive the approval of the community
  • that they should appear to be compliant, appeasing and nice to everyone
  • that it’s mean/unkind to have boundaries
  • that it’s wrong to shine bright or draw any attention to yourself
  • .. and so much more.

This creates whole communities of women who believe their conditioning and misaligned behaviour is normal. 🚩

Women who –

  • have conditioned themselves to stuff down what they really think or feel
  • silently struggle with burnout and anxiety.
  • even normalise things like staying in the confines of a man-made idealised persona like the ‘Good Christian Girl’ – being someone you’re not just to feel belonging and acceptance.

Well, not in my world!

In my world we are honest and authentic

We use our voices

Challenge thinking without ego

We dig deeper into who we really are

We own our wants and needs

We shine bright, unapologetically!

We love on each other

We listen without judgement

We own our boundaries

We have fun!!!!

We explode our ceilings.

We cheer each other on.

And we do it together.

This can be you and me on a call, workshopping your next big aligned business move TOMORROW.

But I mean, keep dimming yourself down if you want 😉

Click here to join my next free workshop to break FREE from the toxicity of the ‘Good Christian Girl’ Archetype, to instead be unapologetically and authentically YOU – co-creating wild impact with God.

LS x

God does not have a fragile ego.

God does not have a fragile ego. He can handle your brilliance, your magic, your SPARKLE ✨

After all, He made you so. We must be careful not to project the insecurities of men we have experienced – fathers, partners, religious men – onto God.

It took me many internal shifts to unlearn the ego that I had projected onto God. He has none. He isn’t insecure, he isn’t offended by your brightness. He doesn’t need you to dull down your femininity so he doesn’t feel threatened.

Unlearning this means I can see him and experience him as he is, not as who I project him to be based on passed experiences.

Click here to join my next free workshop.

Love you

LS x

What Is Wrong With Being A Good Christian Girl?

I’ve been asked this alot in comments on my posts on social media, and I understand the mindset.

It’s coming from people who are where I used to be. I grew up in conservative “religious” Christianity, I had absorbed much of the teaching from a young age in my family and church environments, and then in subsequent church environments.

What I didn’t realise was that some of what I had absorbed was actually man-made teaching, and not from the God who sees women, loves women and values women.

I found it challenging to set boundaries, own and use my God-given voice, anchor in my worth; and was also wrestling with alot of burnout, anxiety, dimming myself down, people-pleasing, workaholism, perfectionism (I could go on..).

And when I began to dig deep into healing all of these with God, I uncovered that I had swallowed the poison of this archetype without realising it was toxic for me, and for the women around me. I discovered it was not only anti-biblical, it was actually anti-God.

With that being said – let’s dive a little deeper.

What Is The Good Christian Girl Archetype™, & What Is Wrong With Being A Good Christian Girl?

The Good Christian Girl Archetype™ is a trauma response to being taught that God values girls/women only when they conform to a narrow, man-made mould. Conditioned to be quiet, compliant, and self-sacrificing, she learns to suppress her voice and needs to avoid being seen as selfish or rebellious.

Her value becomes tied to serving others, people-pleasing & meeting impossible standards of perfection, leaving no room for her imperfection, needs, desires or her as a person.

As a result, grown women are infantalised, twisting themselves into disempowered versions of who God made them to be, stripped of God-given worth & protective mechanisms like their voice and intuition, landing them into toxic and sometimes dangerous situations.

As an adult she craves authenticity and the courage to lead her life unapologetically, but her conditioning keeps her in a cycle of self-abandonment and a fear that stepping into her full self would make her unworthy of love or acceptance.

If you’re reading this thinking – holy Moses this is actually really relatable, pin-points the things I’ve wrestled or am wrestling with, and I know it’s placing a ceiling on my full God-given potential that I am born to expand in this lifetime.. I have an invitation for you –

To untangle from The Good Christian Girl Archetype™ so you can be unapologetically and authentically YOU in your life, faith or business, join my next free workshop on how to untangle from her here.

LS x