Strategy + mindset = good
Strategy + inner work = extraordinary
You can only get so far with positive thinking and reframes. These are great, but the true trajectory shifts after you’ve reached “good” that get you to “extraordinary” go much deeper than that..
Because it’s not about just changing the way you *think* about something. It’s about changing the way you *be* around that something.
Energetically this is embodiment.. not about constantly working hard to shift. Big difference. Huge. Less energy expenditure, more focus, less wobbles.
In my world we do this through a process called Subconscious Sovereignty™ in which we isolate the real issue instead of glossing over it with positivity or working harder, we uncover and address the root cause of the real issue.. with God.
And you walk away feeling more empowered, liberated and centred.
Being a highly fulfilled, grounded and unshakeable leader comes from addressing the vulnerabilities that exist in us that give us the wobbles sometimes, it comes from knowing our identity and being completely solid in it (daughter of the king vibes), and it comes from making God your HOME.. your safe place.. the unshakeable rock that never changes – even though everything in our world may do.
Those who have learned to swim in their own depths aren’t rocked when others are.
Maybe it’s time to upgrade your inner world to align with the power God has given you🔥
For when it’s YOUR time:

LS x