Projection is a killer of relationships đź’€
The problem is, most times we aren’t self aware enough to actually catch ourselves doing it..
All we know is that we feel hurt, angry, frustrated, triggered, abandoned in that relationship.
And that we are behaving in ways that aren’t who we really are.. performing, pretzeling ourselves, proving ourselves..
We are often then internally critical of that behaviour (hello loud inner critic)
And can quickly feel depleted of our normally strong and vibrant life force energy, leaving us feeling drained and slowing our impact down significantly.
I bring you good news!
I know none of this is WHO YOU ARE
And so what we need to do is help you to SEE CLEARLY what is and isn’t the real you..
Untangle from the distorted teachings that have painted God differently than who he is
Decondition from past experiences that shape our view of God himself and his unchanging character of goodness and love towards you..
Unhook your father wounds from your view of God
So that you stop projecting and start SEEING CLEARLY who he is, how much he loves you and wants to be close to you too.
You don’t have to live life feeling like God is distant
You get to live life feeling SAFE, protected, loved and seen in your magic, your soul fulfilled
And from this place of fullness and wholeness go out into the world to confidently co-create magic and impact with Him.
For when it’s YOUR time:

LS x