This is important work. The most important work. Because in view of this, your whole world is realigned, your life is reimagined..
Limitations that you were experiencing because of perfectionism, people pleasing and pretzelling yourself begin to fade away to make space for possibility and potential.
You stop abandoning yourself because you understand it’s not a requirement to receive his abundant love for you.
Where there is guilt, anxiety and shame they are replaced by connection, safety and peace.
Where there is distance, intimacy is restored – a closeness with your Heavenly Father – a safe place you can run, you can hide, you experience him as your sanctuary; your “dwelling place”.. no matter what is rumbling around in your world.
Where there is proving energy and inadequacy, there is wholeness and completeness in love.
No longer are you weighed down by exhaustion from trying to work it all out, have all the answers, or working hard just to reach that end goal.. always chasing the carrot dangling in front of you..
Suddenly you KNOW that In Him, you are enough. You are His. And from this foundation of wholeness and fulfilment, you can co-create incredible impact with Him.
That distance you feel? He is right there next to you waiting for you to reach out and take his hand and let him lead you into your amazing next
For when it’s YOUR time:
LS x