Taking a sabbatical/holiday when you’re in patterns of burnout is like the woman who takes a break from dating without healing the roots of her relational issues. It’s just escapism & Groundhog Day.

The rise of the sabbatical highlights our deep need for transformative rest to be a regular, necessary part of our success strategies.

When deep nourishing rest isn’t a part of your success strategy; sabbaticals & holidays become part of your coping strategy.

You CAN create a life that nourishes you, but to do this you need to address the real problem: to fully embrace your worthiness without performance and achievement.

This is the deep work we do in my world, so you can rest and relax, recharging for amazing impact, guilt-free.

There is NO shame in it! I’ve taken serious breaks over and over again because I hadn’t gotten to the roots of what was really going on.

I was in a massive pattern of burnout.

would rest/take a big break

Finally get the energy or inspo to get going again

Get going

Then fall back into the same patterns with the same old results.

It was so frustrating!

But there was nothing wrong with me! The problem was that I hadn’t addressed the roots of some of the ways I had been conditioned to function.

Once I did this I was free to be lit up, excited, chasing goals from the right energy, rest and relax.. and holidays become something that is a big gift again! Not a coping strategy to escape from life

The Pattern of Burnout is a BIG symptom of your inner Good Christian Girl still being activated (even if you’ve left church/religious Christianity). In my next free workshop, I walk you through this pattern and how to untangle from it to be free to be YOU. Click here to join us!

LS x

PS. Sabbatical years weren’t designed for people, they were designed for the LAND. Sabbath was designed for people.

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