I’ve been asked this alot in comments on my posts on social media, and I understand the mindset.

It’s coming from people who are where I used to be. I grew up in conservative “religious” Christianity, I had absorbed much of the teaching from a young age in my family and church environments, and then in subsequent church environments.

What I didn’t realise was that some of what I had absorbed was actually man-made teaching, and not from the God who sees women, loves women and values women.

I found it challenging to set boundaries, own and use my God-given voice, anchor in my worth; and was also wrestling with alot of burnout, anxiety, dimming myself down, people-pleasing, workaholism, perfectionism (I could go on..).

And when I began to dig deep into healing all of these with God, I uncovered that I had swallowed the poison of this archetype without realising it was toxic for me, and for the women around me. I discovered it was not only anti-biblical, it was actually anti-God.

With that being said – let’s dive a little deeper.

What Is The Good Christian Girl Archetype™, & What Is Wrong With Being A Good Christian Girl?

The Good Christian Girl Archetype™ is a trauma response to being taught that God values girls/women only when they conform to a narrow, man-made mould. Conditioned to be quiet, compliant, and self-sacrificing, she learns to suppress her voice and needs to avoid being seen as selfish or rebellious.

Her value becomes tied to serving others, people-pleasing & meeting impossible standards of perfection, leaving no room for her imperfection, needs, desires or her as a person.

As a result, grown women are infantalised, twisting themselves into disempowered versions of who God made them to be, stripped of God-given worth & protective mechanisms like their voice and intuition, landing them into toxic and sometimes dangerous situations.

As an adult she craves authenticity and the courage to lead her life unapologetically, but her conditioning keeps her in a cycle of self-abandonment and a fear that stepping into her full self would make her unworthy of love or acceptance.

If you’re reading this thinking – holy Moses this is actually really relatable, pin-points the things I’ve wrestled or am wrestling with, and I know it’s placing a ceiling on my full God-given potential that I am born to expand in this lifetime.. I have an invitation for you –

To untangle from The Good Christian Girl Archetype™ so you can be unapologetically and authentically YOU in your life, faith or business, join my next free workshop on how to untangle from her here.

LS x

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