Opulent Offers for the driven influential woman here to unleash her next level of extraordinary.

Featuring In-Person & Virtual VIP Days, VIP Experiences and Private Strategic Mentorship. Explore the highly curated selection below.

VIP Days + 7 Days' Voxer

See you poolside

An intimate experience full of private mind-shifting conversations focused on YOU – your strategic planning and liberation into vast levels of income, influence and impact.

*We also make completely personalised packages available for our beautiful clients. These can include additional days, or international in-person private retreats at a location that is most convenient to you.


Anchor into your evolution and higher levels of being surrounded by luxury. This 5 hour strategic day is held at the abundant 5-Star Resort – Sofitel Noosa Heads (Queensland)* – surrounded by one of Australia’s most exquisite natural landscapes.

We’ll hire a quiet space and/or sip cocktails by the pool – wherever you feel most inspired, lit-up and receptive – to shift your being and tap into your next level of extraordinary.

Sitting with me In-Person is a much more intimate experience, for those who desire to be seen, known, accepted and challenged in your depths to reach new heights of realms unconquered.

Those who intentionally carve out this luxurious space for themselves are those who tap into their “more” without the frustration, overwhelm or burnout.

This is only for the woman who is fully committed to self-leadership, ownership, evolution and expansion into wild levels of positive contribution and fulfilment.

$10,000 USD


This 5 hour strategic & evolutionary 1:1 day is held online and includes Private Voxer support for 7 Days post-event to further anchor in shifts into your busy life.

Create the space for yourself to unlock higher levels of thinking and new realms of impact – without skipping a beat in your family, life and work. 

Together we will carve out a clear strategic roadmap for more freedom and impact in your sphere.

We will give voice to those niggling thoughts and unspoken deepest desires to bring your life and work back into alignment with the potency and potential running through your veins.

You will walk away in a completely shifted energy – feeling into the excitement and possibility that is available to you now that you have expanded.

Only for the woman who is fully committed to self-leadership, ownership and evolution into wild levels of positive contribution and fulfilment.

$5,000 USD

School of Personal Sovereignty

School of Personal Sovereignty


Reclaim your voice, sovereignty & authentic self. Shine brighter & live your most potent, authentic & wildly impactful life!

Self-Study from 2,200 USD

Private Immersive Strategy & Mentorship

Tap into the potency & potential already running through your veins
3 months* = 22,000 USD
Virtual VIP Day
7 days’ Private Voxer Access post-event
Private Online Calls – weekly if desired, tailored to your lifestyle.

Imagine a space where you feel so safe, seen, expanded and supported to be more comfortable and confident in your own skin and authority than you knew possible, so you can go out and conquer the world..
This is Private Immersive Mentorship.
It is an experience like no other for the woman committed to growth and contribution; who desires to be seen and guided to a version of herself that so far has only existed in her wildest imagination.
Liberated. Authentic. Potent. Aligned. Highly influential. Magnetising.
From the outside it may seem like you are the woman who “has it all” but you crave more depth, connection and impact in your life – relationships, work, and spiritual walk.
In this space nothing is off the table – with conversations that intersect spiritual, leadership, authenticity and impact that gently challenge and expand you.
This is for you if you crave a secret place to refuel and expand your capacity and thinking – without judgement or pressure to be or think a certain way.
I know you’re here because you’re answering the call to become the sovereign masterpiece of influence you are designed to be. I see you, brave one. You have more to give, more to do, more to be. This is why you’re here.
Together we will:
1. Clarify Your Soul-Igniting Vision – articulate and give voice to your deepest, often unspoken and unconscious desires so that we have clear direction for the tweaks and shifts needed to reach it with ease and speed.
2. Identify Your Unique Bottlenecks – prepare for success with a clear view of the bottlenecks creating slow points and unnecessary frustrations in your relationships, life, fulfilment and work.
3. Strategic Roadmap – we take a highly-effective, strategic approach to all bottlenecks – whether they are emotional, spiritual or vocational so you can feel the results sooner! The roadmap brings absolute focus, calm and ease to your sphere.
4. Implementation & Alignment – this is where you bring your world into alignment under your dominion. The finesse, tweaks and biggest shifts that alter the course of your life and those who come after you.
5. Refinement – The happy tears, smile and excitement that you’re feeling so lit up, aligned and on track for your vision that lights up your soul. We continue expanding what’s working and feeling amazing, and tweaking what isn’t.
While these sessions are completely customised to you, your journey, needs and desires; you may like to know the outcomes others have received from private immersive sessions. Nothing is off the table in Private Mentorship. Results range from the solely strategic to the spiritual and everything in between – these include – 
  • Effortlessly transcend burnout and imposter syndrome
  • Own and use your voice to speak the message on your heart
  • Aligned offers and clarity on packages, perfect niche and the piece of the world you are designed to serve
  • Messaging for your business or personal brand in alignment with clarity around what you stand for and your tweaked direction
  • Eradication of decades-old shame just by bringing it to light, understanding and releasing it.
  • And, if desired, a renewed connection to God outside of the confines of religion.

Private Mentorship is only for the woman who takes full ownership for the blank canvas of her life, and desires to serve and impact humanity with her unique magic – even if she feels burnt out right now.

Apply below now to schedule your complimentary private 1:1 session. 

*6 and 12 month mentorship options available for select continuing clients who Leah has previously worked with closely. If this is something you’d like to discuss, please add it to your Application Form.