Dear Church,
Dear Church,
If you find yourself genuinely curious about my work, you’ve landed in the right place!
I want to share my heart for the church with you.. because I know my work is easy to misunderstand.
Before we start, I want you to know this –
I see how hard you serve.
And this energy is powerful.
But the way you’re doing it isn’t as effective as it could be.
And in too many cases, it’s killing you, your people and creating burnout.
Something that should never exist within the church.
I believe in the work you do.
And I want to see you, your teams and churches feel energised and refreshed in Jesus to continue.
I want to see you grow and become everything God intended you to be..
WITHOUT limping along exhausted.
WITHOUT needing extended leave to cope with burnout.
WITHOUT your people leaving because they feel used after serving to the bone.
AND without causing fractures in your people’s relationship with God because they believe their value or joy is in serving.
Their value and joy is in Jesus.
And often times we know this on a head level..
We preach it from our pulpits..
But then the tale of burnout tells a different story as to how it’s actually being played out in our lives and communities.
Genuine transformation and time in Jesus’ presence always equals joy and passionate service.
As someone who has experienced many bouts of burnout myself, and witnessed burnout over and over in the church, worked with high level leaders as clients with burnout and observed it in community; I feel compelled to share what I have learned to help generate change.
I can’t go into great detail right now – and likely will in a future book.
Despite a lot of religious trauma stemming from church environments for me, I have a big heart for the church and I very much believe in her and her capacity for transforming lives for King Jesus.
My work is not, has never has been and will never be an attack on the church or any particular church, and if it’s received as such, that’s a reflection of what’s coming up in you personally.
As a leader who herself knows exactly what it’s like to be criticised, judged and attacked from all sides – both within church communities and those outside of church communities – I know it’s a fine line to walk
It can feel like sometimes you can’t win.
And you’re alone, just trying to get it right, do your best and listen to God.
I want you to be truly honest with yourself though..
To sit with God in this.
To see where you’re being closed off.
Where you’re refusing to listen.
Where you’re not even. entertaining conversations
Where you’re being triggered.
Where you’re being instantly dismissive.
Where you’re being defensive.
This is the beginning of what needs to change so that we can create a more vibrant and effective church for future generations.
My work is ultimately not for you right now..
God has been very clear to me that I am here to serve those who have been hurt by religious communities, individuals and up-bringings.
That being said..
In the future I would love to incorporate more grassroots change programs and classes into my work for those churches and individuals who are ready and open to genuine transformation from the top down.
If you are an individual or church experiencing repetitive burnout or a lot of Gen x and Gen y leaving..
And you are curious about having me facilitate a workshop or similar for you, click here to contact us and my team and I will do our best to accomodate you.
I work with individual female coaches and leaders now, click here to learn more.