‘Increased business by 500%’
From feeling like a bit of a fraud, embarrassed about her business and not wanting to promote herself and being slowed down by niggling self-doubt..
.. to overcoming Imposter Syndrome, 5x-ing her business and feeling successful and proud of herself!
Watch Phoebe’s journey below:

Watch Phoebe's Story
Within weeks of working with the team at The Golden Goose, I increased my business by 500% and had the confidence to increase my prices to align with the great results I get for my clients! I don’t feel like a fraud anymore, I’m finally feeling proud of myself and I have that self-confidence that can’t be swayed by anybody. If you’re thinking about working with them, just pull the trigger - you won’t regret it! Invest in yourself, back yourself and back your business and get the help that you need. You’ll come out the other end a new person, I guarantee that.