2024 was the year this unlikely prophesy started to come true for me..

I heard it in a podcast episode I was randomly listening to in 2020.

It was strange because it instantly hit as a prophetic message directly for ME as if he were speaking to me 1:1 đŸ€Ż

It was also strange because I had not received a “prophetic message” before (that I can recall, anyway!) but my spirit instantly knew what it was and that it was for me

And it was from someone (not going to say who so your ego doesn’t click into judgement instead of leaning in to curiosity) that I would NEVER have usually been listening to. (And funnily haven’t listened to since)

Here’s the message:

“Get ready for the people who once hated you to want what you have. There is a reason you couldn’t win them. There is a reason nothing you did could please them. There is a reason they couldn’t accept you.

God meant for you to be alone and lonely and walk by yourself because he never meant for you to become them, he meant for them to become you.

You have finally reached the season that those who once fought you are now going to seek you.

And you’ve got to be healed enough, and feel safe enough to let people in that you’ve been scared of…

.. Because God is going to use you to minister to people who maligned you and you’ve got to know who you are well enough to be ready to receive them.”

Last year, people came back into my world from my past, seeking me out

And it was only through the incredible spiritual GUIDANCE of Jesus in this healing work that I could actually HOLD it and not be triggered to high heaven by it.

This alone is incredible grace. 😭

Because I have experienced three heavy smear campaigns when I wouldn’t bow to toxicity and the fear of man – one familial, one at the ending of my toxic marriage, and one in a Christian church.. and when everything in me screamed to fight back and get revenge..

I got close to God instead.

I trusted him with my reputation

I handed him my broken pieces

I allowed God to do the work on me

And I trusted him to make something beautiful out of them, even if I could not see the HOW.

There is an EASE to this that I wouldn’t have if I had tried to manufacture it alone. This ease comes from a supernatural parting of the sea. It comes from one of prayer and surrendering the pieces. It comes from facing off with the pain, the past and the dark corners of my internal world.

It wasn’t that I clung to this WANTING it to come true. I definitely didn’t want to interact with the majority of the people from my past.

It was just a deep knowing in my spirit that it was going to.

And in the same way I knew that, I know this prophesy is going to play out in a huge way in 2025 and I can’t wait to see the radical work God is going to do through this work + this movement!

Breaking generational chains + liberating entire lineage

Women embracing their immeasurable worth & significance

You reclaiming your birthright of Spiritual Wealth & Spiritual Empowerment

And living in your highest purpose and potential

I want to be clear: we are in for a wild ride + little of what you are about to witness this year is because I am good (though I am magical and amazing and totally own it) but simply because HE is.

This is a restoration kinda year..

And I’m here for it. đŸ”„

LS x

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