Someone recently commented on one of my posts saying that nobody can be an expert on God. And here’s the thing –

I don’t know everything about God..

But this fact will never silence me from what I DO know:

I have walked closely with Jesus for over 12 years, learning from Him, and experiencing profound transformation—

  • spiritual growth that has transformed my heart from pride, being judgemental and ego (and is still being transformed!)
  • trauma healing from cPTSD and crippling anxiety including panic attacks
  • coming home to my authentic self and my voice
  • uncovering my immeasurable self-worth that transcends the need for external validation (or for you to agree with me!)
  • freedom from the confines of religious Christianity and toxic teachings
  • supernatural peace
  • mind-blowing freedom I never thought was possible
  • grounded faith that I can stand firm in – that weathers every storm over the last 12 years

What I share comes from living these truths firsthand, from my hard-earned lessons, insights, mistakes and imperfections and my role is to guide those who are open to experiencing the same.

This space is NOT a discussion group or a zone for debate or sharing your varying perspectives.

I KNOW full well that what I share is not in alignment with two major camps: religious Christianity + most spirituality.

I KNOW there are those who will disagree.. but it’s not my calling to guide those who are anchored in their disagreement.

This is a space where I share from what I’ve lived and what I’ve learned, to help others step into freedom and alignment with God.

This is why my podcast is called Spiritually Unboxed. I sit with Jesus, out of the box and in the middle.

I hope this brings clarity if and where it is needed.

LS x

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