There were two big places in my life that toxic teachings around me being fundamentally unworthy and inherently not good really showed up and made me begin to question what I had been taught:

1. My romantic relationship/s: how can I equally say I’m “worthy of love” AND believe I’m fundamentally unworthy?

2. In business when it came to owning my value and charging appropriately: how can I equally own my value AND believe I’m a piece of trash God can’t even love or look at without his Jesus glasses?!

So it became a big focus for me, an internal wrestle that I took with God and away from the unhealthy environments to uncover HIS truth.. not somebody else’s biased perspective.

And I discovered so much; about my humanity, about the way the world is, about what sin is, and about my actual worth in the sight of God..

But it wasn’t enough to have different head knowledge… it had to sink DEEPER into my spirit to actually begin making a difference

Because these teachings and experiences I had absorbed that created this core belief were already subconscious programs rattling around in me..

.. which meant that despite TRYING HARDER to operate as a person who believed I had immeasurable worth didnt work (like an elastic band around my waist, always pinging me back to unworthiness)

.. which meant just BELIEVING MORE in myself and my value didn’t work (because I was trying to convince myself of something I didn’t actually believe)

.. which meant I was making decisions, on autopilot, around this unworthiness.

And maybe you can relate to this same frustration?

What you need is the ability to shift how you see yourself at a subconscious level..

To untangle from the parts of you that were developed in response to unhealthy teachings on self

To love on those parts of you and honour them

And to lead them into the truth of who you are, who God created you to be..

So you can start seeing yourself in a completely different light which leads to moving in life and biz from WHOLENESS

Which means you no longer need patterns of proving, perfection and people pleasing – you no longer feel you have to FIGHT for what is already yours.

For when it’s YOUR time:

LS x

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