Some of you are working so hard AGAINST the toxic religious & masculine conditioning you grew up with around AUTHORITY that it’s limiting your potential now

 .. it’s directly impacting your ability to show up now, as a female leader in HEALTHY authority & voice in your mission.

I GET IT. I grew up with it. I married it. I bound myself to communities with it.

(And then I divorced it, untangled myself from it, deconditioned it and now I work with others to do the same)

We always overcompensate for any area of trauma and conditioning we haven’t released/rewired.

It’s hard to show up powerfully in an area you felt powerless.

It’s hard to show up authentically in an area you hated.

It’s hard not to swing to the opposite end of the pendulum when you haven’t fully untangled, deconditioned & rewired it.

If you grew up in controlling religious environments or controlling family, or particularly narcissistic/controlling father..

And you are an entrepreneurial woman now who is ready for her unapologetic era (but in a healthy way that supports her wellbeing and authentic honest faith) this post is for you.

I see SO MUCH MORE for you than to still be bound (for whenever we are against our past, we are still bound by it)

I see your authentic self.. under the layers of fighting against. Under the layers of your inner Good Christian Girl who is still there (otherwise you wouldn’t need to fight so hard against it)..

And I can lead you to freedom on the other side –

Free to be you

Free to use your voice

Free to be your weird, quirky self

Free to create the highest level of impact you were born for

This is a part of the work – seeing that working so hard against it is also limiting you, desiring freedom and doing the deep work to cut the chains so that the generations that come behind you are also liberated to truth and authenticity vs living in reaction.

This is the “work” that we do in my world (that I’ve been told is FUN!).

Click here to join my next free workshop to untangle and embrace your freedom!

LS x

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