Protecting Yourself From The Toxicity In Your Religious Past

< Go from 0-1000mph instead of expressing hurt, anger, frustration or disappointment in healthy ways, you explode (then feel freaking guilty afterwards)?

< Frustrated by your religious up-bringing and the limitations it brings?

< Feel misunderstood often, and like your voice doesn’t carry much authority (unless you’re angry or exploding)?

< Trying hard NOT to be the Good Christian Girl you were brought up to be? 

I see you, there’s nothing wrong with you – it’s likely you’re unknowingly caught in the Religious Rebel Archetype™.

The Religious Rebel Archetype™ is an understandable reaction to Good Christian Girl conditioning. 

It’s understandable because GCG conditioning basically teaches girls to be powerless, to rely on men to protect them, to abandon themselves, and to silence their voices and intuition.

Some of these are our most powerful God-given protectors given as gifts to women – especially our voices and intuition!

And I’m sure, like me, you ended up in toxic, abusive, dangerous or unhealthy situations as a result. So you had to protect yourself..

Pushing back against all things related to your religious up-bringing..

But the thing is, the way that we protect ourselves is not always a long-term healthy solution for us to live in peace, have great relationships with ourselves and others and to receive our desires..

Sometimes our protective mechanisms block the very things we say we want, burning us out, leaving us feeling guilty with a loud inner critic that gives us a load of anxiety.

I bring you good news!  Knowing that the Religious Rebel Archetype™ is actually a REACTION to the Good Christian Girl Archetype is the key here!

The problem isn’t your desire to push back against something toxic – no no no – the problem is the original Good Christian Girl conditioning.  She’s still active and you haven’t properly untangled from her as an identity deep within your subconscious.

And I bring you better news! I’m going to show you ALL THE THING in my next free workshop to untangle it all & be unapologetically YOU here.

LS x

The Loud Inner Critic

Ever wonder why your inner critic is so loud? She serves a purpose too..

That purpose is often MOTIVATION for CHANGE.

She’s actually trying to help you meet your goals, she’s just going around the wrong way to do it.

For me, that internal voice was always so punishing, harsh and critical. I realised that she was the ONLY solid internal motivation I actually had towards my goals 🤯

And I needed her because I couldn’t understand how to get there otherwise.

Sure, I could get myself there using myself like a punching bag. I could be frustrated and pushing and harsh and get myself there..

But that is a horrible way to live..

Creating your own anxiety..

Never measuring up to your own standards of perfection.

What you must shift is to first recognise that none of this is actually the voice of you – your authentic self. It’s the voice of a version of you who is covering for a part of you still in survival mode.. a part of you that NEEDS THIS.

That NEEDS you to reach that goal so she can feel significant, so she can feel seen and heard and valued. So she can feel safe.

Once these deeper needs are taken care of.. your inner critic doesn’t need to be beating on you all the time. She gets to take a break, and only clocks on when a need isn’t being met.

And then she just becomes an alert system for you to notice, “wow, I’m being so harsh with myself today.. what’s actually going on for me?”

Inner critic as an alert system is a far better role for her than as a motivational coach 😅

I know you’ve tried all sorts of things for your anxiety and inner critic, and this is a way that actually WORKS.

You don’t have to live from a place of self-beating and shame. You can live with a more relaxed and fun internal world while being free to be your most authentic and impactful self.

For when it’s YOUR time:

LS x