Unmatched Trauma Healing Method That Is Better Than Breathwork Or Meditation.

You don’t need more meditation or breathwork to find your calm; you need to reclaim sovereignty over the part of you that is dysregulated b/c she seeks others to mirror her worth, significance & greatness.

The need to constantly calm and seek out nervous system regulation is only there because your system is constantly being triggered into dysregulated states.

Yes you may be in sympathetic and in need of nervous system regulation – but no you don’t need to WORK HARD to get there.

You need to find your hidden switch (trigger) and turn it off (by claiming your God-given sovereignty and worth over it) so the intelligent design of your physiology does the work for you.

This is where your underlying ‘Good Christian Girl Identity’ comes in..

Because you’re experiencing the anxiety, the burnout and dimming yourself down because deep down you don’t feel free to be you.

You have to wear the mask and perform and be perfect and please everyone because of religious and familial conditioning that says this is how you BECOME ENOUGH, this is how you prove you are WORTHY.

You seek out OTHERS to mirror back to you how worthy, significant or great you are because effectively you’re asking “Am I doing it? Being perfect? Is my mask in place?”..

And people will always gladly mirror it back to you because most people have issues with people pleasing!!! (Which keeps you in slavery to your conditioning, not freedom).

So EVEN IF you’re outside of this conditioning now, you now abandon yourself automatically because the conditioning is embedded in your subconscious mind – so working hard against it doesn’t work.

>> This is why holidays/sabbaticals, meditation, burn your business down, mindset coaching, leadership seminars, breath work, self help books and affirmations will only get you so far.

They’re temporary solutions to a root that is deeper than they can reach.

You need Subconscious Sovereignty – a trauma-informed process that by-passes the surface-level tactics you’ve invested in before to target your unique hidden spiritual and psychological conditioning deeply at the roots and connects you to your Authentic Self so you are free to be fully yourself in life, faith and business.

It gently peels back the layers of who you think you need to be and reconnects you to who you actually are.

The Subconscious Sovereignty™ Framework gives you the tools you need to:

  • Break the cycle of burnout and self-abandonment for good.
  • Step into the unapologetic, bold leader you were created to be.
  • Build a life and business that feels as authentic as breathing.
  • Experience God’s love and gentle guidance in a way that fuels your courage and creativity. (Even if you currently feel distant from Him)

I’m giving you a glimpse into my client-only Subconscious Sovereignty™ Framework in my new workshop:

Claim your free seat here.

LS x

You Don’t Need More Nervous System Regulation. This Is What You Need For Past Trauma Healing Instead.

I see this sooooo often.

Everyone’s out here seeking nervous system regulation for past trauma healing, when what you really need is trigger removal.

Take it from me, I am both trauma-informed and someone who has healed the majority of her cPTSD. (Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder):

It’s a shortcut nobody is talking about…

  1. There is nothing wrong with your nervous system; it is working PERFECTLY!

You need to stop acting as if your nervous system is BROKEN. It isn’t! It is working perfectly!!!! Exactly how it is designed.

2. They’ll have you saying 50,000 affirmations, booking a billion somatic healing sessions, doing more breath work.

But here’s what they don’t know or understand:

Your nervous system is only dysregulated often because your >>triggers<< still exist.

Remove them and the nervous system NATURALLY regulates. This is why we work on the roots and not behavioural modification or calming techniques.

When I talk about trigger removal I mean addressing the trigger to remove it in >>me<<, not just the environment.

This way, I don’t always need the external environment to change for me to be/feel okay.

Sometimes a change in environment is powerful and useful – I moved interstate in 2018 for this reason. It is still the best decision I ever made for myself..

AND it didn’t actually remove my triggers; I still have to do the work.


This is why my high achieving clients spend tens of thousands working with other coaches/mentors and then work with me and take off!

This is why I have been through so much in life, yet am so normal LOL

This is why I am so FREE to SHINE BRIGHT and be myself, unapologetically – DESPITE the pressure of expectations, society, community, friends and family and religious spheres.

How do you remove your triggers?

You work with me + we work with your subconscious internal world as different aspects of you, eg. Little 8yo Beth. Guiding you to lead yourself to release outdated roles, patterns, conditioning, beliefs.

Join my next free workshop to get started shifting these effectively, NOW.

LS x

You Can’t Be Authentic While Working Hard AGAINST The Toxic Religious & Masculine Conditioning Your Grew Up With

Some of you are working so hard AGAINST the toxic religious & masculine conditioning you grew up with around AUTHORITY that it’s limiting your potential now

 .. it’s directly impacting your ability to show up now, as a female leader in HEALTHY authority & voice in your mission.

I GET IT. I grew up with it. I married it. I bound myself to communities with it.

(And then I divorced it, untangled myself from it, deconditioned it and now I work with others to do the same)

We always overcompensate for any area of trauma and conditioning we haven’t released/rewired.

It’s hard to show up powerfully in an area you felt powerless.

It’s hard to show up authentically in an area you hated.

It’s hard not to swing to the opposite end of the pendulum when you haven’t fully untangled, deconditioned & rewired it.

If you grew up in controlling religious environments or controlling family, or particularly narcissistic/controlling father..

And you are an entrepreneurial woman now who is ready for her unapologetic era (but in a healthy way that supports her wellbeing and authentic honest faith) this post is for you.

I see SO MUCH MORE for you than to still be bound (for whenever we are against our past, we are still bound by it)

I see your authentic self.. under the layers of fighting against. Under the layers of your inner Good Christian Girl who is still there (otherwise you wouldn’t need to fight so hard against it)..

And I can lead you to freedom on the other side –

Free to be you

Free to use your voice

Free to be your weird, quirky self

Free to create the highest level of impact you were born for

This is a part of the work – seeing that working so hard against it is also limiting you, desiring freedom and doing the deep work to cut the chains so that the generations that come behind you are also liberated to truth and authenticity vs living in reaction.

This is the “work” that we do in my world (that I’ve been told is FUN!).

Click here to join my next free workshop to untangle and embrace your freedom!

LS x

“I’m Going To Be The Very Thing You Didn’t Want Me To Be” Is Not Being Unapologetically YOU.

“I’m going to be the very thing you didn’t want me to be” is not being unapologetically you, it’s a trauma response. 

(Eg. You grew up with religious parents who encouraged Good Christian Girl conditioning)

And now you understandably push back on all things religious Christianity.. even if a part of you feels disconnected and maybe even kind of misses aspects

The way you push back (fight) against who they tried to mould you into (eg. The Good Christian Girl Archetype) determines how much of your true self you actually get to claim back so you are free to be you.

The truly empowered woman doesn’t try to fit or try not to fit a label.

She just, is.

I can guide you into this freedom when you are finally ready to meet the REAL her.

Claim your free seat at my next workshop to untangle from it here.

Always seeing you in your magic,

LS x

Protecting Yourself From The Toxicity In Your Religious Past

< Go from 0-1000mph instead of expressing hurt, anger, frustration or disappointment in healthy ways, you explode (then feel freaking guilty afterwards)?

< Frustrated by your religious up-bringing and the limitations it brings?

< Feel misunderstood often, and like your voice doesn’t carry much authority (unless you’re angry or exploding)?

< Trying hard NOT to be the Good Christian Girl you were brought up to be? 

I see you, there’s nothing wrong with you – it’s likely you’re unknowingly caught in the Religious Rebel Archetype™.

The Religious Rebel Archetype™ is an understandable reaction to Good Christian Girl conditioning. 

It’s understandable because GCG conditioning basically teaches girls to be powerless, to rely on men to protect them, to abandon themselves, and to silence their voices and intuition.

Some of these are our most powerful God-given protectors given as gifts to women – especially our voices and intuition!

And I’m sure, like me, you ended up in toxic, abusive, dangerous or unhealthy situations as a result. So you had to protect yourself..

Pushing back against all things related to your religious up-bringing..

But the thing is, the way that we protect ourselves is not always a long-term healthy solution for us to live in peace, have great relationships with ourselves and others and to receive our desires..

Sometimes our protective mechanisms block the very things we say we want, burning us out, leaving us feeling guilty with a loud inner critic that gives us a load of anxiety.

I bring you good news!  Knowing that the Religious Rebel Archetype™ is actually a REACTION to the Good Christian Girl Archetype is the key here!

The problem isn’t your desire to push back against something toxic – no no no – the problem is the original Good Christian Girl conditioning.  She’s still active and you haven’t properly untangled from her as an identity deep within your subconscious.

And I bring you better news! I’m going to show you ALL THE THING in my next free workshop to untangle it all & be unapologetically YOU here.

LS x

There Are Only 2 Things A Girl/Woman Can Be In Many Conservative Christian Spheres (Why You Dim Yourself Down):

In many conservative religious circles, there are only 2 things a woman can be (why you dim yourself & your voice down):

In my deep observation, my own spiritual awakening and evolution journey and working with high achieving clients, I accidentally uncovered a dichotomy (two opposing ideas) in many religious circles.

And it’s something that, until this moment, I bet you actually deep down KNEW existed, but had struggled to put your finger on, or put words to. It’s this:

In most religious Christian circles, girls and women can only be ONE of two things – 

The Good Christian Girl / Good Christian Woman


The Rebellious Woman / Harlot / Strong Independent Career Woman

Have you noticed this?

If you don’t fit the mold, toe the line, dim down your voice and opinions.. if you don’t PERFECTLY fit into the archetype of the Good Christian Girl, you are IMMEDIATELY labelled as the other.

And so develops this unnameable subconscious fear with deep (often unconscious) dialogue going a little something like this:

“I don’t want people to think I’m rebellious, or selfish, or immoral, or too independent.. so I’ll dim myself down”

The thing is, as women when we get to our 30s, 40s and beyond we get to a point where we are severely burnt out and literally CANNOT operate in this dichotomy – this pattern of self-abandonment and fear any longer.. 

But it’s like – how do we untangle from it all to be unapologetically ourselves, without becoming someone we’re not, but also not becoming something we fear (like being labelled rebellious)?

While ever we don’t feel safe to just BE, the full expression of authenticity cannot exist.

Join my next free workshop to begin untangling it all & be unapologetically YOU! 

Always seeing the magic in you,
LS x

How To Stand Up For Yourself Without Exploding In Anger

I used to go from 0 (Nice Christian Girl/Good Girl—compliant and quiet) to 1000 mph (psycho angry Leah) before exploding. Now I stand up for myself instead.. you can too.

I would bottle it up for a longgg time before the inevitable eruption happened because I literally couldn’t hold it in any longer.

Instead of using my voice, I would bite my tongue, be nice, take it and take it, try to be forgiving, try to show grace, try to be like Jesus, pray about it, try to reframe how I thought about it, avoid situations and people that would trigger it…

All of which required a lot of maintenance and energy. All of which actually ENABLED others to treat me however they liked (but that’s probably a post for another day).

The problem was this:
I didn’t know HOW to use my voice appropriately, and because I didn’t know how, when I was triggered I would explode—which led to me not trusting my voice fully.

The problem was NOT the fact that I would explode, or that I didn’t trust my voice…

It was that I had never been shown how to properly use my voice to stand up for myself, voice my opinions, and stand for what really mattered to me in a healthy, balanced, regulated way (without becoming someone I wasn’t, or ruining all the relationships around me); AND I had received conditioning I that told me that being a nice, silent, Good Christian Girl was what God (and men) wanted from me.

You don’t need another self-help book or a surface-level communication workshop. 

You don’t need more guilt-laden advice to “be like Jesus” while ignoring the power and authority He’s given you.

Without appropriate adult female models, we are left in our protective mechanisms, sometimes floundering, trying to work it out ourselves.

You can feel when it’s not working. You try harder, bottle it up longer, and hope the next time will be different… but it’s not.

This cycle of silence, eruption, and guilt takes a toll. It robs you of your peace, your confidence, and the ability to trust yourself. It impacts your relationships, your work, and even your faith.

But it doesn’t have to stay this way.

You don’t need to keep carrying this weight. What you need is to unlearn the toxic beliefs that keep you silent and reclaim your voice in a way that feels powerful, regulated, and authentic.

That’s exactly what we do in my Free To Be You Mastermind.

This isn’t just about learning to “speak up.” It’s about uncovering the version of you that’s silenced herself for far too long—the bold, unapologetic, aligned woman you were always meant to be.

Imagine using your voice with clarity and conviction, standing firm for what matters most to you, and showing up powerfully (and REGULATED) in communication in your relationships and work without fear or guilt.

You can learn to trust your voice, even if you never have before. You can use your voice to stand for what matters most without burning bridges—or yourself out.

Join my next free workshop to take your first step: Workshop Link.

Or PM me to claim your seat in the Free To Be You Mastermind—only a few positions left this year.

Always seeing the magic in you,
LS x

How To Stop Dimming Yourself Down & Silencing Your Voice.

You’re a powerhouse—a high-achieving, visionary businesswoman. So why do you still find yourself dimming your light or biting your tongue in rooms where you should be fully seen and heard?

You want to…

  • Be fully and unapologetically yourself.
  • Own & use your voice to lead with authority.
  • Show up authentically in your relationships and your life.

Because your role demands it. You need to use your voice to lead your team, command respect, and bring your vision to life. You need your voice to stand out online as the authority you are. You need the freedom to say NO to what doesn’t align with your values and goals.

And yet, there’s a hesitation.

Here’s what might really be going on:

SHIFT #1: There’s nothing wrong with you! It’s past conditioning.

The urge to hold back or silence yourself didn’t come from nowhere. It’s conditioning—layers of expectations, rules, and beliefs from family, society, and even faith. None of this was your choice, and it’s not an indication of your value or strength.

This isn’t a flaw—it’s a past pattern. And I’m here to guide you to break free.

SHIFT #2: Trying to change this consciously is the hard way.

This conditioning is deeply rooted in your subconscious mind. It’s like a program running quietly in the background, reinforcing this habit of staying quiet or playing small.

But the good news? You don’t need to force it, nor do you need hypnotherapy. You need to access and befriend the parts of yourself that are still carrying these old beliefs. They are ready to release when you’re ready to meet them.

SHIFT #3: “If I am unapologetically myself, I will lose people.”

Yes, there’s a chance that stepping into your fullest self may disrupt certain relationships. But here’s the truth: you’ll be okay, no matter what. This is where your personal power lies.

When you no longer need approval or validation from others—when you feel truly seen, known, and loved by God—your value becomes rooted in Him. You’re free from the need to pretzel yourself to be who others expect you to be.

You can stand firmly as you are, even when others have their opinions or feelings. None of that has anything to do with you.

SHIFT #4: Do it for the women who come after you.

Imagine your daughters or younger women in your sphere. Imagine the power they’d inherit from watching you speak, live, and lead unapologetically. Liberate them by liberating yourself.

Your voice is powerful. You can be the one to break generational cycles of silence and shrinkage. You can free generations of women to speak their truth, to own their space, and to live fully in the light.

Ready to finally step into the full strength of your voice and purpose?

Click the link to join the Free To Be You Mastermind—where you’ll learn to break through these patterns, claim your voice, and lead the way you were always meant to.

LS x

The Loud Inner Critic

Ever wonder why your inner critic is so loud? She serves a purpose too..

That purpose is often MOTIVATION for CHANGE.

She’s actually trying to help you meet your goals, she’s just going around the wrong way to do it.

For me, that internal voice was always so punishing, harsh and critical. I realised that she was the ONLY solid internal motivation I actually had towards my goals 🤯

And I needed her because I couldn’t understand how to get there otherwise.

Sure, I could get myself there using myself like a punching bag. I could be frustrated and pushing and harsh and get myself there..

But that is a horrible way to live..

Creating your own anxiety..

Never measuring up to your own standards of perfection.

What you must shift is to first recognise that none of this is actually the voice of you – your authentic self. It’s the voice of a version of you who is covering for a part of you still in survival mode.. a part of you that NEEDS THIS.

That NEEDS you to reach that goal so she can feel significant, so she can feel seen and heard and valued. So she can feel safe.

Once these deeper needs are taken care of.. your inner critic doesn’t need to be beating on you all the time. She gets to take a break, and only clocks on when a need isn’t being met.

And then she just becomes an alert system for you to notice, “wow, I’m being so harsh with myself today.. what’s actually going on for me?”

Inner critic as an alert system is a far better role for her than as a motivational coach 😅

I know you’ve tried all sorts of things for your anxiety and inner critic, and this is a way that actually WORKS.

You don’t have to live from a place of self-beating and shame. You can live with a more relaxed and fun internal world while being free to be your most authentic and impactful self.

For when it’s YOUR time:

LS x

The Rules of Female Boundaries

A woman of high influence, standards and contribution cannot:

A) HIDE behind boundaries (lack of self-trust) AND
B) IGNORE them (being nice)

Here’s why:

A dog in protection-mode (fight/flight – sympathetic nervous system response) gives no warning.

It explodes and attacks.

It is reactive.

And purely reacting on its natural instinct based on the state of its nervous-system.

Alot of pent-up energy

0-100 miles/hour in 10 seconds.

A great dog, however, has controlled aggression.

It releases a warning growl and perhaps bares its teeth to let the intruder know it is trespassing on what it considers its territory.

This growl is communication, not reactivity.

it comes from a more centred place. A less reactive place. A regulated nervous system and a healthy stress response.

This growl is communication that you have crossed or are about to cross a line..

A line that enters my territory (an area of my dominion, where I am the leader/authority – this is my Personal Sovereignty)

And it’s this communication that offers the intruder an opportunity to respect that dominion, or to openly challenge that dominion.

>>> The dog isn’t trusting the warning growl to keep it safe. <<<

The dog is ready and willing to use what is necessary to enforce that dominion.

And this is where we must see the limits of our boundaries.

She who trusts in boundaries (communication) to keep her safe will keep herself in a sympathetic nervous system response – an anxiety and hypervigilance.

Her anxiety is a sign that her nervous system is activated and that she deep down doesn’t feel safe.

She who ignores boundaries (communication) sets herself up for a lifetime of explosive reactivity. She takes it and takes it, until she can take it no more.. and out comes the lion ready to swiftly take down her prey.

She who trusts herself to communicate clearly and without reactivity and trusts herself to enforce her dominion can relax and be.

The reason we struggle with boundaries so much is because we often do not trust ourselves to enforce our dominion if needed, or we are subconsciously scared (even if we don’t consciously FEEL scared).

Enforcing our dominion looks like:

>> Clarifying or restating a boundary

>> Having a confrontational conversation

>> Releasing that person from relationship with us

>> Calling the police

>> Changing the locks

>> Stepping back from that relationship

>> Moving that person outside of our circle of trust (Meet the Fockers ha!)

>> Blocking or unfriending them

All of which can feel like a loss of love to deep places in our heart.

So what’s really going on for us when we struggle with boundaries and confrontation has nothing to do with our VOICE.

Your voice is perfect. It works.

You have access to a growl

You know how to growl

You can growl

But you’re either trusting too much in your growl


You’re not growling enough

And you’re doing this because of deeper feelings of lack.. specifically around love and attention.

To be a woman of higher influence and impact you must be able to lead yourself and others well (you’ve heard it a million times)

But to do this on a practical level, you must be able to communicate when you feel your territory is being infringed upon

Or you will feel drained by the people around you

Wondering why your work or clients don’t light you up no’ mo’.

Feeling that drip, drip, drip of annoyance

But it’s time to take full ownership of it.. because YOU, my love have dominion here.

You get to have EXCITING client, partner and other relationships, without the guilt, without the anxiety sitting in your chest

You get to curate the world around you so it’s something that ENERGISES you

You get to light up with the world with your magic

And you get to GROW + EVOLVE in this as you step up into higher standards of being…

.. even when it challenges every fibre of your being.

The question becomes, HOW do I enter higher levels of self-trust, communication and Personal Sovereignty?

You become the version of you who is clear about her territory, and is willing to rise to enforce it.

You can be clear and kind

Sassy and firm

Fun and boundaried.

You know you can be her, that it’s all possible for you. And that unlocking her unlocks higher levels of contribution and positive influence in the world that you are designed for.

For when it’s YOUR time:

LS x